Summary: September 2014 monthly report of U.S. military deaths in the Afghanistan war, compiled from U.S. Department of Defense news releases and
Summary: November 2013 monthly report of U.S. military deaths in the Afghanistan war, compiled from U.S. Department of Defense news releases and
Summary: Weekly report of U.S. military deaths in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, compiled from U.S. Department of Defense news releases and … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on February 4, 2010, Aubrey Immelman reported that three U.S. special operations soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing in northwest Pakistan, drawing unwanted attention to a U.S. program for intelligence gathering and training Pakistani Frontier Corps paramilitary forces to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida — a little-publicized mission because of local opposition to American boots on the ground in Pakistan.
Summary: Weekly report of U.S. military deaths in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, compiled from U.S. Department of Defense news releases. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on October 6, 2009, Aubrey Immelman provided his weekly report of U.S. military deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
Summary: Weekly report of U.S. military deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), compiled from U.S. Department of Defense News Releases. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on the 16th day of his write-in campaign against U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, Aubrey Immelman reported that in the final week of the campaign he mounted a ground assault with an advertising blitz comprising ads in 25 newspapers across the district with a combined circulation of approximately 150,000.
Summary: Weekly report of U.S. military deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), compiled from U.S. Department of Defense News Releases. … NATO deaths in Afghanistan hit record high. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on the 42nd day of his campaign against U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann for the Republican nomination as House of Representatives candidate in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, Aubrey Immelman posted the first image of the Minnesota state partisan primary ballot, information about Minnesota’s open primary election system, and information about absentee voting. In line with his campaign focus on national security, he also posted an update on the Iraq war.
Summary: Weekly report of U.S. military deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), compiled from U.S. Department of Defense News Releases. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on the 35th day of his campaign against U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann for the Republican nomination as House of Representatives candidate in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, Aubrey Immelman was working to catch up on campaign office business after completing his one-week, 100-mile walking tour the length of the Sixth District from Freeport in Central Minnesota to Stillwater on the Wisconsin border.