Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Feb 9th, 2011

Summary: A suicide bomber posing as a dairy deliveryman struck a Kurdish security headquarters, setting off a series of rapid-fire attacks in the oil-rich Iraqi city of Kirkuk killing seven and wounding up to 80 people. … With daily shootings and deadly bombings, it’s clear there’s still a simmering fight in Iraq as the U.S. military prepares to leave after nearly eight years, almost 4,400 U.S. troops killed and at least $750 billion spent. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on February 9, 2010, Aubrey Immelman provided his weekly report of U.S. military deaths in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and reported on the death of retired United States Marine Corps colonel Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.).

Feb 2nd, 2009

Summary: Provincial election results in northern Iraq could heighten ethnic tensions between Sunnis and Kurds.

Jan 3rd, 2009

Summary: Tensions are mounting between Sunni Arabs and Kurds in the Iraqi city of Mosul, where political violence is increasing ahead of provincial elections. … A suicide bomber blew himself up at a luncheon gathering at a tribal leader’s home, killing at least 23 people and wounding dozens.

Sep 27th, 2008

Summary: On the 18th day after losing his 2008 primary challenge against U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, Aubrey Immelman, in line with his focus on national security, reported on a skirmish between Kurdish security forces and Iraqi police in Iraq’s northeastern Diyala province near the disputed Kurdish autonomous region and provided a daily summary of security incidents in Iraq.