Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Summary: In a July 9, 2011 Townhall column, Bill O’Reilly opined on former President Bill Clinton’s seemingly glowing assessment of Republican presidential contender Michele Bachmann as a “compelling public figure” who comes across as “real,” concluding it was merely “gamesmanship” to diminish Sarah Palin, whose major distinction from Bachmann is “personality.” However, empirical studies indicate that Palin and Bachmann, in fact, have very similar personality types. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on July 10, 2010, Aubrey Immelman featured Part 4 of “The Rise of the New Right: A Hardball Documentary with Chris Matthews,” titled “Who Runs the Tea Party?”

Dec 31st, 2008

Summary: As Minnesota 6th Congressional District constituents ring in the New Year, they can look back on the historic election year of 2008 with some measure of pride in the knowledge that their representative in Congress made a strong showing (of sorts) in several “Year in Review” lists. That’s no easy feat, considering the U.S. House of Representatives has 435 members, each vying for attention.

Nov 7th, 2008

Summary: Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican senator from Rhode Island who endorsed Obama, predicted a bloody struggle for the soul of the party. The election results demonstrated that the party had hit rock bottom, Chafee said, but he feared that socially conservative party activists — “the Rush Limbaughs, the Bill O’Reillys, the Sean Hannitys” — were incapable of changing course.