Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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May 20th, 2010

Summary: Forensic evidence proves North Korea fired a torpedo that sank the South Korean warship Cheonan, while North Korea denies responsibility and threatens “all-out war.” … Psychological evaluation of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il by Aubrey Immelman. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on May 20, 2009, Aubrey Immelman reported that Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on talk radio with end-times pastor Jan Markell to discuss the “Criminalization of Christianity,” where in the past she held forth on topics ranging from homosexuality to the Second Coming; but this time, her topic was the labeling of Christians as terrorists.

May 31st, 2009

Summary: Psychological assessment of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, leadership style implications of Kim’s personality profile, and North Korea threat assessment with respect to U.S. national security. … Update: Washington Post profile of Kim Jong-Un.

Jan 28th, 2009

Summary: Why North Korea could become one of President Obama’s most vexing foreign-policy challenges: For the moment, the Obama White House has bigger priorities than North Korea. Still, the new U.S. president would do well to keep in mind that Pyongyang is continuing to tweak its nuclear-weapons program. It already has an arsenal of ballistic missiles capable of hitting all of Japan and potentially parts of the United States. For all its paranoia, North Korea insists it’s still under the threat of “American and Japanese imperialists,” and says that it has every right to possess a “nuclear deterrent” to defend itself. Appeasing them with money and oil won’t be enough.