Summary: Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has released two messages to convince Muslims they should hate President Barack Obama, in a PR offensive that analysts said shows the terrorist organization worries the new president will succeed in improving America’s image in the Muslim world and undermine the group’s jihad, or holy war. … “The Personality Profile of Al-Qaida Leader Osama Bin Laden” by Aubrey Immelman, Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics.
Summary: Al-Qaida’s deputy leader on June 2, 2009 criticized President Barack Obama’s upcoming speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, saying it would not change the “bloody messages” the U.S. military is sending Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Al-Qaida has repeatedly lashed out at Obama since he was elected, a move some analysts believe indicates the terrorist organization is worried he will be effective in improving the U.S. image in the Muslim world.