Summary: U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann has unveiled a plan for cutting $400 billion in federal spending that includes freezing Veterans Affairs Department health care spending and cutting veterans’ disability benefits. Veterans of Foreign Wars said Bachmann was “totally out of step with America’s commitment to our veterans”; Veterans for Common Sense said they were “outraged” that Bachmann’s proposal “would leave veterans twisting in the wind”; and Disabled American Veterans called Bachmann’s ideas “ill-advised,” “nothing short of heartless” and “wrong-headed.” … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on January 29, 2010, Aubrey Immelman reported that an unrepentant Tony Blair defended his decision to join the United States in attacking Iraq, invoking the discredited neocon argument before a panel investigating the war that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks made the threat of weapons of mass destruction impossible to ignore.
Summary: Memorial Day tribute to the men and women of America’s fighting forces — both the living and the dead — and in particular those who gave their last full measure of devotion. … “The Blessings and Burdens of Liberty,” keynote address delivered by Lt. Col. James C. Fischer at the Memorial Day commemoration, St. Cloud VA Medical Center, May 25, 2009.