Summary: The Eugene J. McCarthy Center for Public Policy & Civic Engagement is hosting a panel discussion on “Donald Trump: What Will Happen in the Next Four Years.”
Summary: Justice Clarence Thomas’s primary personality patterns are Contentious/oppositional and Reticent/inhibited, with secondary features of the Conscientious/respectful pattern. The amalgam of Contentious and Reticent patterns in Justice Thomas’s profile suggests the presence of an adaptive, nonpathological variant of the conflicted avoidant syndrome.
Summary: The leadership style of U.S. president Donald Trump may be summarized as follows: an active-positive presidential character with mobilization as his key leadership asset; a charismatic, nondeliberative leadership style; and a high-dominance, extraverted, influential foreign policy orientation.
Summary: 2016 annual report (with 2017 updates) of U.S. military deaths in the Afghanistan war (Operation Enduring Freedom; Operation Freedom’s Sentinel) and the war against ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (Operation Inherent Resolve) and in Libya ( Operation Odyssey Lightning), compiled from U.S. Department of Defense news releases and Updates on U.S. military deaths in 2017.