Summary: Iran’s military has announced it successfully tested a newly developed air defense missile system during the country’s biggest ever air defense drill. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on November 18, 2009, Aubrey Immelman pointed out that CNN, like most of the mainstream media complicit in propagating a superficial, sanitized image of U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, had taken the bait.
Summary: The economic crisis has trumped bullets and bombs in the intelligence agencies’ latest assessment of threats to the United States. Sounding more like an economist than the war-fighting Navy commander he once was, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair told a Senate panel that if the economic crisis lasts more than two years, it could cause some nations’ governments to collapse. “The longer it takes for the recovery to begin, the greater the likelihood of serious damage to U.S. strategic interests,” he told the Senate Intelligence Committee, as Congress prepares to vote on a $789 billion stimulus package.