Summary: Independence Party (IP) gubernatorial candidate Tom Horner visited St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud Technical and Community College, and St. Cloud Hospital, followed by a fundraiser at the Holiday Inn. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on August 16, 2009 Aubrey Immelman reported that bombs hidden in plastic bags exploded at a market in a mainly Shiite area of Baghdad, killing at least eight civilians and wounding 19 — the latest in a series of bombings targeting Shiites and minorities that have killed more than 160 people in one week.
Summary: The Star Tribune editorial board has endorsed Tom Horner as the best choice for Minnesota in the Independence Party gubernatorial primary. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on August 2, 2009 Aubrey Immelman reported that the U.S. Department of Defense announced that the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology had positively identified remains recovered in Iraq as those of Navy Captain Michael Scott Speicher, whose F/A-18 Hornet was shot down in a combat mission over Iraq on January 17, 1991 in the first hours of Operation Desert Storm.
Summary: It’s been a good week for Independent Tom Horner’s campaign for governor of Minnesota. Not only did Horner meet his July 19 fundraising goal to qualify for public campaign funds, he also attracted favorable media attention highlighting the fact that he can win in November. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on July 19, 2009 Aubrey Immelman reported that the Pentagon had identified the captured American soldier who went missing from his forward operating base in Afghanistan as Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, 23, Ketchum, Idaho, a member of 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Richardson, Alaska.