Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Summary: Sen. Mitt Romney’s personality profile offers a glimpse into his underlying motives for voting to convict President Donald Trump on the impeachment article of abuse of power on Feb. 5, 2020. Specifically, Romney’s primary personality pattern — conscientiousness — induces him to be extraordinarily scrupulous in matters of morality and ethics, intolerant of deviance, and judgmental of those who do not uphold conventional rules and standards or follow the letter of the law.

Summary: Sen. Mitt Romney’s personality profile offers a glimpse into his underlying motives for assailing President Donald Trump’s character in a Jan. 1, 2019 op-ed published in the Washington Post. Specifically, Romney’s primary personality pattern — conscientiousness — induces him to place a premium on the character traits of honesty, integrity, and respect — suggesting it is no accident that Romney zeroed in on those particular traits as lacking in the president (and, by implication, holding himself up as exemplifying those personal qualities).