Summary: The Presidential Electability Index (PEI) developed by Aubrey Immelman at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics predicted more than a year ahead of the 2016 presidential election that Donald Trump would win.
Summary: Psychological analysis of Donald Trump’s temperament sheds light on his fitness for office as president. The two personality traits of greatest concern are impulsiveness and responding aggressively to personal slights.
Summary: Psychological evaluation and comparison of the 10 GOP presidential contenders in the August 6, 2015 Fox News Republican candidate debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
Summary: Psychological assessment of prospective Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. … On March 2, 2015, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton did not have a government email address while secretary of state and may have violated federal rules that officials’ correspondence be retained. … Compilation of research reports and related political analysis, conducted between 1999 and 2008, that may have a bearing on the matter in terms of Hillary Clinton’s personality traits, psychological motives, and leadership style. … … October 2016 update: Hillary Clinton’s predominant personality patterns are Ambitious / self-serving (a measure of narcissism) and Dominant / controlling, infused with secondary features of the Conscientious / dutiful and Retiring / reserved (introverted) patterns and some indication of Distrusting/suspicious features. This particular personality composite can be labeled elitist narcissism or, in political terms, deliberative high-dominance introvert — deliberative by virtue of substantial conscientiousness.
Summary: Memorial service on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Maple Lake, Minn., commemorating the 10th anniversary of the disappearance of St. John’s University student Joshua Guimond. Josh vanished under suspicious circumstances while walking from a card game at Metten Court to his room in St. Maur House around midnight on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2002.
Summary: A heuristic model developed at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics to predict the winner of the presidential election prior to Super Tuesday indicates that Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama will defeat Republican challenger Gov. Mitt Romney in the November 6, 2012 U.S. presidential election.
Summary: Annoted letter to the editor by Marilynn Maizan in the Aug. 15, 2012 issue of St. Cloud Times, in which the writer assails Rep. Michele Bachmann for her “unproven accusations, allegations, disrespectful remarks, twisted facts, delusions and innuendoes.”
Summary: In Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, two Republican candidates are challenging incumbent Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Stillwater — Sartell college professor Aubrey Immelman and Lino Lakes computer consultant Stephen Thompson.
Summary: A Bachmann constituent writes a letter to the editor of the St. Cloud Times, outlining why Rep. Michele Bachmann is an embarrassment to the people of Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District (where Bachmann is running for reelection) and telling her to “go home” to her “golf course mansion” in the 6th Congressional District (where Bachmann lives). … Also: Compilation of Michele Bachmann’s most controversial statements and blunders.
Summary: The 22nd anniversary of the abduction of Jacob Wetterling is being marked with a large donation to the AMBER Alert program, which notifies the community about missing children. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on October 22, 2010, Aubrey Immelman commemorated the 21st anniversary of Jacob Wetterling’s abduction on October 22, 1989 in St. Joseph, Minn.