Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Sep 11th, 2016

Summary: 15th Anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attack.

Sep 11th, 2013

Summary: Commemorating 9/11.

Aug 5th, 2012

Summary: Wade Michael Page, 40, the gunman who allegedly attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding four, was a “white supremacist skinhead” and “frustrated neo-Nazi” who led a white power punk and metal band.

Sep 11th, 2011

Summary: Ten years after the United States was unified in horror in the wake of the terrorist attack of 9/11, President Barack Obama, in solidarity with former president George W. Bush, honored the legacy of the victims and heroes of September 11. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on September 11, 2010, Aubrey Immelman noted that on a day of mourning for nearly 3,000 9/11 victims on the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attack of September 11, President Barack Obama called for national unity as the ‘ground zero mosque’ and Quran-burning controversies threatened to overshadow memorial events.

May 13th, 2011

Summary: The discovery of pornography in Osama bin Laden’s possession is consistent with his psychological profile, which I developed at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics in the months following the attacks of 9/11 and presented in June 2002 at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology in Berlin. According to the profile, Bin Laden, whom I classified as a “unprincipled narcissist,” did not fit the profile of the highly conscientious, closed-minded religious fundamentalist, nor that of the religious martyr who combines those qualities with devout, self-sacrificing features. Far from being a religious zealot, the profile suggests that Bin Laden — in Machiavellian fashion — was adept at exploiting Islamic fundamentalism in the service of his own burning ambition and personal dreams of glory.

Sep 11th, 2010

Summary: On a day of mourning for nearly 3,000 Sept. 11 victims on the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attack of 9/11, President Barack Obama called for national unity as the ‘ground zero mosque’ and Quran-burning controversies threatened to overshadow memorial events. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on September 11, 2009, Aubrey Immelman commemorated the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, noting that with the timetable set for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the fighting in Afghanistan nearing its ninth year, war coverage had waned, often pushed off the front page by the economic recession, health care reform, and celebrity deaths.

Sep 10th, 2010

Summary: Americans approach the 9/11 anniversary with a lower-than-usual sense that the country is safer today than it was before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2010, just 48 percent of Americans say the country is safer now than it was before the 9/11 attack, down from 62 percent two years ago to the lowest level in polling since 2003. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on September 10, 2009, Aubrey Immelman reported that the Dump Bachmann blog, citing the Minnesota Independent’s coverage of Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s visit to Virginia to support Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell, reported that “Michele Bachmann’s political poison continues to taint other Republican politicians.”

Feb 15th, 2010

Summary: The incendiary rhetoric of demagogues like Glenn Beck or Michele Bachmann is powerful because it slips through the cracks in our acculturated human rationality, with its biological substrates in the fontal cortex, to hit a lower nerve in the subcortical brain regions of the limbic system, the seat of emotion. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on February 15, 2009, Aubrey Immelman reported that federal authorities examining the early, chaotic days of the $125 billion American-led effort to rebuild Iraq had significantly broadened their inquiry to include senior American military officers who oversaw the program.

Jan 29th, 2010

Summary: An unrepentant Tony Blair defended his decision to join the United States in attacking Iraq, invoking the discredited neocon argument before a panel investigating the war that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks made the threat of weapons of mass destruction impossible to ignore. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on January 29, 2009, Aubrey Immelman reported that suicide rates among active-duty U.S. military personnel continuing to rise even as the Defense Department dedicated more resources to identifying troubled service members and getting them the help they need. Preliminary figures confirmed at least 125 soldiers killed themselves in 2008, compared with 115 in 2007, 102 in 2006 and 87 in 2005.

Jan 26th, 2010

Summary: A new report warns that al-Qaida has not abandoned its goal of attacking the United States with a chemical, biological, or even a nuclear weapon. … Al-Qaida’s high-value target list. … One-year retrospective: One year ago today, on January 26, 2009, Aubrey Immelman reported that counterterrorism officials and the FBI were investigating whether al-Shabab or other Somali Islamic groups were actively recruiting in the United States. Officials said as many as 20 Somali-Americans between the ages of 17 and 27 had left their Minneapolis homes since 2007, apparently bound for Somalia.