Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Summary: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have their first face-to-face encounter on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. … Political-psychological profiles of Putin and Trump.

Summary: A psychological assessment of Donald Trump determined that he is not a malignant narcissist.

Jan 23rd, 2017

Summary: The leadership style of U.S. president Donald Trump may be summarized as follows: an active-positive presidential character with mobilization as his key leadership asset; a charismatic, nondeliberative leadership style; and a high-dominance, extraverted, influential foreign policy orientation.

Summary: Psychological analysis of Donald Trump’s temperament sheds light on his fitness for office as president. The two personality traits of greatest concern are impulsiveness and responding aggressively to personal slights.

Summary: Donald Trump’s temperament has emerged as a major campaign issue in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Analysis of Trump’s temperament sheds light on his fitness for office as president.