Current Events and the Psychology of Politics

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Nov 14th, 2015

Summary: On Friday night, November 13, 2015, eight militants wearing explosive belts and armed with assault rifles, shotguns, and hand grenades attacked six sites in Paris, killing at least 129 people and wounding more than 350, including about 100 seriously injured. The dead include many French citizens, three Chileans, two Belgians, two Mexicans, two Spaniards, two Portuguese, an American, and a Briton. ISIS has claimed responsibility for this mass-casualty commando-style terrorist swarm attack. Swarm attacks are high-risk, coordinated assaults sometimes directed against multiple targets or building complexes, using mobile groups to circumvent security measures, allowing attackers to inflict casualties, garner news coverage, and inflict considerable damage prior to the neutralization of the assailants.