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Nov 14th, 2015

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes tous les Parisiens! #JeSuisParis

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter spoke by phone this morning with French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian to convey his condolences for those killed during last night’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Secretary Carter told Minister Le Drian that the men and women of the Department of Defense stand with France entirely and are committed to helping France in any way that we can. The U.S. and France maintain a close relationship in countering terrorism around the world including direct action in North Africa, Syria, and Iraq. Secretary Carter reiterated the United States’ commitment to stand by our oldest ally in taking additional steps to respond to these barbaric attacks. (News Release No. NR-435-15, November 14, 2015)


11/15/2015 Update

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour reported that Europe’s worst nightmare is now taking place — that Islamic extremist group ISIS is making good on its pledge to hide operatives among the wave of refugees now entering Europe. The first bomber to blow himself up at the Stade de France on Friday was Syrian, and he landed with migrants on the Greek island of Leros on October 2, where he was issued an emergency passport under the name Ahmad al-Mohammad. … European officials believe, Amanpour said, that there is “a very professional new squad of terrorists inserting themselves into some of these migrant voyages.”


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2/8/2017 Update

St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson takes part in
St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson takes part in a live CNN interview following stabbing attacks at Crossroads Center in St. Cloud. (Photo: Dave Unze / St. Cloud Times)

St. Cloud mall attack makes White House list (David Unze, St. Cloud Times, Feb. 8, 2017) — Dave Kleis had never been on live, national television as St. Cloud’s mayor to discuss a breaking news event until Sept. 18. That was the day after a stabbing at Crossroads Center left 10 people injured and the stabber dead. What followed was a swarm of local, national and international media dropping into St. Cloud to cover what was rumored to be a terrorist attack. The national and international coverage continued for days, and the aftermath was Page 1A news in the St. Cloud Times for four days. But the White House included the St. Cloud mall attack on a list of terrorist attacks that the press failed to report adequately. The White House issued the list after President Trump on Monday said that the “dishonest press doesn’t want to report” on terrorism. “Most have not received the media attention they deserved,” said a White House statement issued with the list of attacks between September 2014 and December 2016. … Full report

Related: White House releases list of 78 terror attacks it says are ignored by media

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  1. The Immelman Turn » Blog Archive » Largest U.S. Mass Killings Says:

    […] ISIS Swarm Attack on Paris (Nov. 14, 2015) […]

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